Child Protection Law

Understanding the Anders Briefing Process
May 22, 2024

Donald Crane
Sandra Hachem

Course Materials:
July 18th Anders Pro Se MTN
July 18th Anders Motion to Withdraw
July 18th Anders Certificate of Counsel
July 18th Anders Brief Filed Letter
July 19th Anders Transmittal Letter
December 19th Anders PFR
December 19th Anders PFR Motion to Withdraw
Anders Checklist Parental Termination
Anders Guidelines Parental Termination

Certificate of Counsel
Transmittal Letter
Pro-Se Motion for Record
Anders Motion Withdraw
Anders Pro Se Motion
Anders Transmittal Letter

Child Protection CLE: Innovative Connections for Families: Children Matter

February 10, 2022 | Zoom

Children Matter PPT

Child Protection CLE: Creating a Trauma-Informed Court and Trauma-Informed Advocacy for Parents

November 30, 2021 | Zoom

Dr. Cynthia Osborne PowerPoint

Child Protection CLE: Creating a Trauma-Informed Court and Trauma-Informed Advocacy for Parents

June 25-28, 2021 | Zoom

Texas Lawyers for Children Online Center Information
Trauma-Informed Court Handouts
8-Steps for Getting Started
General Rules
Phase Plan Graphic
Phase Plan 1
Phase Plan 2
Phase Plan 3

Child Protection CLE: Making History with the First Termination Jury Trial by Zoom: Perspectives and Tips for Child Welfare Attorneys

February 10, 2021 | Zoom

Juror Questionnaire

Child Protection CLE: Prevention and Intervention Before Removal: The Role of Lawyers

December 10, 2020 | Zoom


Child Protection CLE: Recent Supreme Court Cases Child Protection Attorneys Should Know

October 28, 2020 | Zoom

“Recent Supreme Court Cases Child Protection Attorneys Should Know” by Sandra Hachem
Hachem Bio
Hachem Presentation