Computer & Technology

Generative Counsel: The Coming Age of the Superhuman Lawyer

May 24, 2024 | Zoom
Speaker: Jason Smith
Course Materials: 
PPT Presentation

7th Annual Technology and Justice for All CLE

December 1, 2023 | Austin, TX

Section Chair
Reginald Hirsch


Technology Bootcamp for the Practicing Attorney: Everything You Need to Know
Mitch Zoll
Mark Unger

4th Amendment Case Law Update
Pierre Grosdidier

A Judicial Perspective of AI
Hon. Xavier Rodriguez
Hon. Roy Ferguson

Practical and Ethical Use of AI
Grecia Martinez

Legal Technology from the Trenches
Sean HamadaPowerPoint
Katie StahlPowerPoint
Kellye HughesPowerPoint

30 Apps in 30 Minutes: The Latest Legal Apps, Tech Tips, and Tech Laws
Michael Curran
Shannon Warren
Sally Pretorious
Craig Ball

To Chat GPT or Not to Chat GPT: That is the Question

Speaker: Hon. John G. Browning
September 28, 2023 | Zoom
Course Materials:

Space Law, AI, and Cybersecurity: Protecting the Security and Sustainability of the Next Frontier

Speaker: Charles Lee Mudd, Jr.
April 28, 2023 | Zoom
Course Materials:

Autonomous Vehicles and Their Litigation Risks

Speaker: Quentin Brogdon
February 24, 2023 | Zoom
Course Materials:

6th Annual Technology and Justice for All CLE

December 2, 2022 | Austin, TX


Technology Bootcamp for the Practicing Attorney: Everything You Need to Know
Mitch Zoll
Mark Unger

Cyber Insurance: Are You and Your Clients Protected
Natalia Santiago

Technology in the Courtroom: What’s New?
Hon. Xavier Rodriguez
Hon. Karin Crump

4th Amendment Case Law Update
Pierre Grosdidier

HR and Cybersecurity: Protecting Personnel Data
Grecia Martinez

Cyber Due Diligence in Mergers and Acquisitions: Finding Risks
Shawn Tuma

30 Apps in 30 Minutes: The Latest Legal Apps, Tech Tips, and Tech Laws
William Smith
Grant Scheiner
Shannon Warren


Emerging Issues in Digital Health Privacy CLE – Webinar

September 23, 2022

Mason Fitch Bio
Mason Fitch – Presentation

5th Annual Technology and Justice for All CLE

February 11, 2022 

Work Smart Not Hard
The Work is Remote But the Ethical Duties Aren’t!
New Global Protection Laws – Global Cybersecurity Considerations for International Businesses – US, APJ, Europe & Emerging Laws
Social Media and Free Speech
Blocked in the Digital Age paper
Law Firm Marketing: Using the New Advertising Review Portal
60 Apps in 60 Minutes

4th Annual Technology and Justice for All CLE: Vaccinating Your Technology Tools for Practice in a Pandemic

December 11, 2020 | Zoom

Ethical Considerations for Practicing Remote and in a Pandemic
U.S. Supreme Court Tech Case Roundup: Google v Oracle
U.S. Supreme Court Tech Case Roundup: United States v Arthrex
U.S. Supreme Court Tech Case Roundup: Facebook and FCC
Practice Management Systems and Virtual Law Practice with Mitchell and Mark
60 Apps in 60 Minutes  


3rd Annual Technology and Justice for All CLE: Your Duty of Technical Competence

December 6, 2019 | Dallas, TX

New and Novel Sources of Evidence – Seale, Knauf PPT
Cautionary Tales of Tech Incompetence – Browning PPT